Through the generous support of the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Parents Reaching Out grant program, we have started to implement a Parent Resource Lending Library. Through this library, RPPS parents are able to check out books from the RPPS library that cover a wide range of challenges that a child might face including anxiety disorders, autism, internet safety, learning disabilities, bullying, a death in the family and many more.
To see what's available, visit the RPPS Online Library and search "parent's reference". To take out the book of your choice, just email our librarian Cilina Roebuck-Constantine at [email protected]. Cilina will schedule a pickup with you. All requests are confidential.
We look forward to sharing the Lending Library resources with you.
Subsidy Policy
Rockcliffe Park Public School (RPPS) staff and Council members believe that all students, regardless of family/guardian financial considerations, should have equal access to fee-based special programs and extra-curricular activities that take place throughout the regularly scheduled school day, as well as RPPS directed and supervised programs and extra-curricular activities that take place outside of regular school hours (e.g., ski club, sports tournaments, etc.).
Please do not hesitate to talk to the Principal or your child's teacher if you have questions about this policy
The complete policy can downloaded at this link: Subsidy Policy
Principal Profile 2022-2023
As per Procedure PR.578.HR, Placement of Principals and Vice Principals, Section 4.1, the RPPS principal profile was developed by the RPPS School Council, updated in January 2023.
View the Principal Profile.
OCDSB Resources
The OCDSB provides resources and regular updates to assist school councils in preparing for and navigating through the school year.
Visit the OCDSB School Council web page for more information.
Supporting School Councils
The Supporting School Councils web page and newsletter is your destination for the latest updates, resources, key dates, and important information for school councils.
Subscribe and read the updates.
Resource Library
The School Council Resource Library offers guides and resources for school council operations, funds management, elections, meetings, insurance and more.
Explore the resources.